Sambodromo di Rio de Janeiro

Sambodromo di Rio de Janeiro


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Il sambodromo di Rio de Janeiro è una struttura architettonica fissa atta od ospitare manifestazioni in forma di parata. Si sviluppa in senso longitudinale per circa 700 metri lungo un viale chiamato Avenida Marquês de Sapucaí costeggiato per tutta la sua lunghezza da strutture che ospitano gli spettatori. .Ai lati del viale si ergono degli spalti a gradinate "Arquibancadas" divisi in dieci settori non comunicanti tra loro e sviluppati in verticale su più livelli. Gli spettatori assistono alla sfilata dalla zona superiore dei settori o dal parterre, mentre i livelli intermedi sono occupati dalle cabine della giuria e dalle Camarotes, dei veri e propri piccoli alloggi da cui è possibile assistere alla sfilata con maggiore comfort. La capienza totale della struttura è di circa 85.000 mila spettatori.

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Teatro di vari eventi e manifestazioni nel corso dell'anno, è senz'altro più noto per essere il luogo in cui si svolgono le sfilate delle Scuole di Samba di Rio de Janeiro durante il carnevale. Il Sambodromo infatti fu costruito nel 1984 su progetto dell'architetto Oscar Niemeyer espressamente per ovviare alle problematiche che incontrava la città ogni anno in occasione del carnevale. Prima della costruzione del Sambodromo, le sfilate si tenevano in strutture erette per l'occasione e successivamente smontate, operazione che richiedeva mesi di lavoro e notevoli problemi di traffico stradale.
Sambodromo is serious business; This is where the samba schools of Rio de Janeiro try to out perform each other every year. The competition is held in an arena called Sambódromo and tens of thousands spectators watch up to 4000 participants of each school trying to win the favour of the judges. Categories like theme song, drum section and coordination is what is taken in to consideration.

The Competition
The schools that try to win promotion from Grupo de Acesso (second division) will walk on the Saturday, Sunday and Monday is for the 14 best in Grupo Especial (first division). The results are announced on Carnival Wednesday, the winner of Grupo de Acesso wins promotion and the school that ends up last in Grupo Especial gets relegated. On the Saturday after Carnival the 5 best schools parade together with the promoted school from Grupo de Acesso.

All over Brazil
This whole event is followed all over Brazil with much passion and fights actually occur between supporters from the different schools. Although there are competitions like this all over Brazil the one in Rio de Janeiro is the most prestigious. The winner 2010 was Salgueiro.

The Best Seats
To go and see the event in place is for sure worthwhile, the prices for the best seats are high though. Sambódromo is divided into various sections as you can see below, the sections 13 and 6 are offered for really low prices since that´s after the finish line. In section 4 you can get pretty good deals and still see the parade in it´s full splendour, all other sections are more expensive (7, 9 and 11 epecially). Other options are in so called camarotes and table seatings, they are ranging from pricey to insane. Tickets for the Grupo de Acesso and the Winners Parade are cheaper.

Map of Sambodromo

The tickets are sold beforehand, it´s not recommendable to buy abroad since a lot is added on top; Just before Carnival you can get tickets in hotels, hostels and travel agents all over Rio. If you are willing to take your chances you can wait until midnight on Sunday or Monday and try to make bargains on the black market, command of Portuguese and a good eye for scoundrels are two good companions. If you already have your ticket getting there early (around 5 PM) to get good seats is a good idea (they are not numbered). Bring a pillow for your tush. The parade starts around 8 PM and goes on into the morning next day. Getting to Sambodromo is probably best in a taxi since there are lots of robberies around Carnival and that area is a bit dodgy.

Grande Río en el Sambódromo



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